
Welcome To The Songwriter Gospel Community: Our Why, What & How

by | Sep 16, 2020 | Podcast

“It takes a village to raise a song.”

The Songwriter Gospel

Hey Fellow Songwriter,

We’re so glad and excited to have you here. Welcome to the Songwriter Gospel Community, a space for you to find inspiration, support, encouragement, and an outlet to share your music and message with the world. You are loved, you are cherished and you matter so much to us here. So here is a little bit about who, what, and why we are, and how we can help you.

Our Why

You were never meant to do this alone. As a Christian songwriter, artist, and musician, you were made to live and thrive in a community. To have a strong support system and be encouraged daily. To be with like-minded songwriters & artists that pour into one another and champion each other.

You have a powerful story and your story is needed. You have a unique testimony and experience of your faith in Jesus Christ. One that is told through not just your life, but also through the music and lyrics you create. One that is told through your own unique voice and tone. One that no one else, but you, can tell.

This is why this site exists. To inspire, elevate, and empower you to share your music and message with the world. To help you write, create and share your music, your story, your “gospel” with the world. To have a platform and the support of a village to help you reach your goals and dreams and live in your calling.

What We Are

The Songwriter Gospel is a Christian music media platform and online songwriting community for aspiring & emerging Christian and Gospel songwriters, artists & musicians.

Here you will find a place where Christian songwriters & artists, like you, can share their music, their faith, and their story. Where everyday Christian songwriters and artists have a platform to speak their truth, their gospel, and be an inspiration to other songwriters, artists & musicians.

You will also find creative and curated content to help you learn about tips and strategies in all aspects of songwriting and music. From our podcast where you can get some inspiration and practical tips from other songwriters & artists down to content about the craft of songwriting, music production, to business and productivity.

We hope to be a stepping stone for songwriters and artists in reaching their music goals and living confidently in their calling.

Our goal is to help you be able to create and share your story through your music as effectively as you can.

What We Do

We exist to inspire, elevate, & empower Christian songwriters, artists, & musicians to share their music and message with the world.

The Songwriter Gospel Mission

Our mission is simple, to help Christian songwriters, artists & musicians be heard. To inspire you, share tools & resources, and provide a platform for you to share your unique story and message with the world.

On our podcast, we’ll have honest conversations, powerful testimonies, tips, and insights, from indie and professional Christian & Gospel songwriters & artists, and music industry professionals as they share their stories and practical tips & strategies they have used that can help them overcome limiting beliefs and better share and promote their music.

We also create and curate content, through our blog, to help you learn more about the craft and business of songwriting. Find practical, actionable tips on how to navigate your busy world and make and share your music and message.

silhouette photography of group of people jumping during golden time

How You Can Get Involved

Listen to Our Podcast

Our podcast is LIVE! Listen to interviews with inspiring Christian & Gospel songwriters & artists and music industry pros as they share powerful stories and the practical tips & strategies they have used, to help you along your journey.

Stay tuned as we continue to grow and open up more opportunities for you to get involved. We are looking forward to meeting you, feel free to contact us with any requests or suggestions.

Check Out The Blog

Check out and interact with the blog for tons of helpful and practical tips and content to help you become the best songwriter you can be. We would love for you to leave a comment on our blog posts to ask any questions or just to tell us if the information was helpful to you.

Join our Community through our Mailing List.

We will be sending monthly newsletters filled with tons of helpful tips and resources, also updates on new releases and ways to be involved in our community.


Darnell Peters, Founder

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